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Why set up the ARPs?

Over the past 5 years we have seen a significant increase in the amount of children with complex special educational needs (high needs) starting in mainstream school. Regardless of adjustments and adaptions, the children find the mainstream environment overwhelming and distressing.

During 2023, the Council asked education providers in West Essex to help provide local solutions to support children with SEND. In response NET Academies have been working with the Local Authority to provide a solution: creating Alternative Resourced Provision (ARP) for autistic children with severe/moderate learning difficulties.

Each ARP classroom provides space for 8 autistic children with moderate to severe learning difficulties. Our ARPs use the TEACCH method which is based on the unique learning needs of autistic children including strengths in visual information processing and difficulties with social communication, attention and executive function.

Where are our ARPs located?


We currently have two classrooms set up at Longwood Primary Academy with the intention to extend this to three of our other schools – Waltham Holy Cross, Jerounds and Abbotsweld Primary Academies.



How does a child get a place in one of our ARPs?


Pupils will have a diagnosis of autism and also have (or are in the process of receiving) an Education Health Care Plan.

Admission will be made after receiving the Education Health Care Plan and all recent advice. The Local Authority will make the final decision regarding the placement, taking into account the school’s views, specific criteria and capacity and will make the necessary arrangements.


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